Thursday, April 19, 2012

{14 weeks!}

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain: I think about 5ish pounds
Maternity clothes? Not quite yet, though some pants are feeling a little snug.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: is all I want to do!
Best moment this week: Announcing baby! We had announcement pictures taken a couple of weeks ago, and I turned them into postcards online and sent them out to family and friends with a cute little poem on the back announcing our big surprise :) And big brother Aldon pointing to and rubbing my little belly and saying "baby?!" and then giving his sibling kisses!
Miss Anything? coffee, especially venti cinnamon dolce lattes from Starbucks. Hubs is like the caffeine police now, and decaf just doesn't taste the same.
Movement: none yet

Food cravings:  fresh fruit/veg (no joke, I ate two cucumbers and a whole bell pepper one day as a snack), baked potatoes (had that craving with Aldon too) and I'm super thirsty all the time
Anything making you queasy or sick: red meat! (same with when I was pregnant with Aldon). Whenever Keegan eats a roast beef sandwich, the smell makes me want to vomit. I never even noticed that roast beef had such a smell before.
Gender: who knows??
Labor Signs: are a long way away.

Symptoms: nausea, fatigue, and a whole host of symptoms from having low iron.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: haha, it goes back and forth ;) Mostly happy, but I have a much shorter fuse for getting upset when something is bothering me
Looking forward to: the next ultrasound in a few weeks! 

So yes, the Hartman family is expanding :) The news is officially out now! 

For the most part this has been an easy pregnancy, with one major setback-- I have low iron. Before my first doctor's appointment, I had been having pretty bad headaches but attributed that to normal pregnancy symptoms. Then the results of my blood work came back, and my iron was low (normal is 12-14 range on their scale, I was at a 10. whatever that means specifically lol), so I was given a prescription for a supplement. 

By the next appointment, I still had the headaches, but I was also out of breath All. The. Time. (like, talking would leave me breathless) and feeling really dizzy often, and just all around queasy. I was sent over to the lab to have another CBC draw, and sure enough my iron still hasn't gone up. So now I get to double my dose of iron supplements. I'm still feeling like crud. My head often hearts, I can never catch my breath, and if I ever exert myself a little more than usual or get a little over heated, I get ridiculously dizzy and feel like I'm about to throw up and/or pass out. Cute, huh? Hopefully the meds will help, because if the double dose doesn't work it sounds like the next step is to have IV iron from now until baby comes, and quite frankly that sounds like a pain in the ass. 

The silver lining? Since I can't run around after Aldon as much, we now get to kick it more and just hang out and snuggle :)

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