Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Down On The Farm

The past few days last week in northeast Ohio were pretty cruddy, weather wise. Cold, no sunshine, just ick. Friday, it was a glorious near 80 and sunny! Taking advantage of that, we set out to explore the area a bit and possibly scratch an item or two off our Summer Bucket List.

Lucky for us, we stumbled upon Lake Metroparks Farmpark! The Farmpark, about 25 miles outside of Cleveland, boasts over 50 different breeds of livestock. They also have a dairy processing center- where you can see cows being milked and even get a hand at it yourself!, a greenhouse that showcases hydroponics, aquaponics, and organic gardening, and a Woodland Center that teaches the importance of forest conservation, and cultivating honey and maple syrup. They also have a Farmer's Market during crop seasons and sell CSA shares!

Aldon made so many new friends today on the farm! I know this is a place we will have to be visiting more than once (they're open year round!).

Yes, he's milking that cow! My little farmer toddler milked his first cow ;)

by far his favorite on the farm, were the sheep. I wish I knew how to upload it, but I have the funniest/cutest video of them having a sheep conversation. They would "baaaah" at him, and he would imitate them right back!

petting his first sheep.

these baby chickens had just hatched a few days before, he thought they were all ducks. no big deal.

In the plant science center, they replicated everything that goes on underground into one big tunnel-like exhibit. Aldon found this precious little gem and decided he needed some lovin'

oh, and the plant cow needs love, too.

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