Thursday, August 30, 2012

{33 weeks!}

How far along? 33 Weeks! 
How big is baby? On average, a little over 4 pounds and past the 17 inch mark {baby is back to measuring right on track!} 
Weight gain: 21 pounds
Maternity clothes? I have my favorite maternity capris, I swear I could live in them (size small). Other than that most of everything is just non maternity styled a little loose.
Stretch marks? notta. whew.
Sleep: I'm an old lady and in bed every night at 9:30. He still loves to push against the side of the bed I'm laying on, but by now I'm so used to it, it doesn't even bother me {that much}.
Best moment this week: Aldon has been loving to "snuggle" with Liam. It's the cutest thing ever. He'll basically use my belly as a pillow and talk to Liam the whole time. 
Miss anything? Being able to move with even the slightest grace. At this point, I'm just so big & in the way of everything. 
Movement: This week has been full of huge, belly-morphing kicks and rolls. We've gotten pretty good at distinguishing between elbows and knees lol
Food cravings: potatoes, potatoes, potatoes! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? The texture of meat, especially red meat. It's not a flavor thing, or a smell thing, but actually taking a bite of chicken or steak and chewing it is so repulsive to me. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: some BH now & again, he's sitting very low to begin with, and lots of pressure at times.
Symptoms: heartburn, mostly.
Belly button in or out? it's so close to being out! 
Wedding rings on or off? On, when I remember to wear them lol
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, but super emotional and could cry over literally nothing it seems. 
Looking forward to: our Michigan trip tomorrow!! I'm also far enough along now that I go to the doctor's every two weeks, until I'm 36/37 weeks, which means baby is so close to being here! 

33 week belly! and tired mama. and dog that acts like my shadow.
Macy couldn't figure out what the heck I was doing...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aldon is 22 months!

...which means he's only two super short months away from being 2 years old!

...which also means I really, really, really need to get into gear and finish up the details for his birthday party, but more on that later.

One year ago today (on his 10 month birthday) he took his very first steps!
Twelve months later and Keegan and I are still trying to keep up.

It's funny how in some ways he's everything like he used to be a year ago, and in others it's like he's a different child. 
For example- to this day he still hates peaches. He always forgets he doesn't like them, asks for one, bites into it and instantly spits it out {this happens frequently}. He could say "dada" a year ago, and "mama" if he was feeling in a very generous mood. Today? His vocabulary and grasp of language is out of this world. The latest word he stunned me with by learning was "tyrannosaurus" {thanks to his favorite dino pajama pants}, he speaks in three word sentences, and can understand & follow simple 3-part commands {such as, "put your cup on the table, your plate in the sink, and then come sit here"}. 

His favorite foods this past month have been:
- spaghetti {sga-ghetti}
- pb & j
- cheese {no surprise there. as soon as the fridge opens he instantly lunges for the cheese drawer. oh, you don't have an entire drawer dedicated only to cheese in your refrigerator? weird.}
- broccoli
- granola
- pancakes {cake-cakes}
- yogurt
- and of course milk. it wasn't until recently that he even discovered juice, and even now he's only partial to it.
~ he's been in such a "food rut" this whole month. it's been driving me crazy. Basically, if it wasn't spaghetti for lunch or dinner, he wouldn't eat it. and only granola and pancakes for breakfast, please. I've tried every trick {cutting his food into silly shapes/characters, giving something plain like carrots a fun name to entice him, etc etc} and he still doesn't want to eat anything different. He really not a "picky" eater, because he will try a bunch of different things, he's just stubborn and decides he only wants his faves. So it's been a balancing act of "how much should we give in and let him eat what he wants, and where to draw the line so he's not 25 and still only eating spaghetti for dinner." {of course, there was much unsolicited advice on this topic}. Keegan & I are assuming it's just a phase, and he'll find new favorites eventually. 

His dislikes this past month have been:
- clothing {it varies between whether or not he wants to wear just pants, just a shirt, or just a diaper. or just nothing at all...}
- diaper changes {I bribe with cookies, good mom stuff}
- my biggest pet peeve: holding hands when we are walking somewhere. He thinks he's a big boy in all areas now and idk it's not cool or something to be seen holding hands with your parents. I've totally contemplated a backpack leash.
- the second before he's about to be laid down for bed. He doesn't have a problem with bed/nap time routines- in fact, he jumps at the chance to take part in them {bath, pajamas, read a book or twelve hundred, pick up toys, brush teeth}, but it's the second he's done brushing his teeth and the kisses goodnight start, that he freaks. He still sleeps in his crib, because if he were able to get out of bed and fight sleep all night he totally would. 

His favorite toys/games/activities/etc:
- ELMO. he's familiar with Sesame Street thanks to a set of books he has, and by far Elmo is his favorite character {Abby is a close second}. I scored some mega Best Mom Ever points by turning on Sesame Street on TV one day for him. He was through the roof excited and amazed because "Melmo" was on TV!!! 
- dinosaurs. His dino pj's get worn just about every other night, and all night long he says hi to the tyrannosaurus on them. And if any dino resembles a tyrannosaurus, it's a tyrannosaurus.
- he loves playing with his play food sets {we have thesethese, these, these, and this}. again, you'll score more cool points in his eyes if you let him use real kitchen utensils, bakeware, mixing bowls, etc with his food sets. However, each night you then have to wash about every dish you own in the house... 
- he absolutely loves to be a "helper" Which of course we may or may not exploit a time or two. He loves to do the laundry, clean the floors, and start the dishwasher every night. Hey, if he enjoys doing it, it would be rude of me to not let him... ;)
- he still really, really loves reading. This month, his favorite book has been his Baby Einstein 101 First Words book {and let me just say, we've read that thing so many times that there's not 101 different words in there. there's repeats.}
- boy loves to move. He'll bust out in a dance over just about anything, music or not. And he has his own "Smarty Pants Dance" he does when we tell him he's so smart {cutest/funniest thing ever}
- he loves to look at photo books, albums and pictures on our phones, especially of himself {he refers to himself as "cutie" whenever he sees his picture. because he's modest}. I think we spent about two hours today watching all of his videos and the whole time he was amazed at the "cutie baby" on mommom's phone. {oh, did I mention that? Keegan is daddy/dada, and I'm "mommom", never mama/mommy/mom, etc. Not sure where he got it from...}

Big/New Developments this month have been:
- he has said buhbye to the high chair, and won't even use a booster seat. He has to sit at the table just like mommy & daddy do.
- he recently starting picking out his own outfits every morning, and with the exception of a little help, gets himself dressed. So far we haven't had any "going to the grocery store in your Halloween costume" moments, but he's picked out some real doozies. Yesterday it was shark pajama pants, one puppy dog slipper, one monster slipper, and a t shirt worn like a scarf, until he abandoned a shirt all together. And he rocked it.

Life with Aldon these days is anything but ordinary. There's always at least a dozen things he does daily that crack me up, and equal amounts that drive me crazy. 
We've been planning his birthday party for a few weeks now, and it's so crazy to think that he will be two soon! And then after that he will have to start looking at preschool options for him... and then kindergarten... oy.     

But, for now, we're just going to enjoy the good {& the bad} moments we have with him, because he's only 22 months for so long ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

lately... {in pictures}

he's not sure whether or not to be impressed...

teeter-tottering with daddy.

yes, i really am as tired as i look. ugh. they always look cute, tho :)

on a nature walk.

he looks more & more grown up every day...

serious splash pool action.

facial expressions are necessary while making coffee/apple/hot dog stew.

connecting pipes at the Children's Museum water table
proudly displaying his artwork!

*keeg was a little tired of me snapping pictures every half second ;)

then & now! On the left, 29 weeks pregnant with Aldon and then on the right, a few weeks ago at 29 weeks with Liam!

That's the jist of what August has been like for us! In a few days it will be our anniversary, and then we are headed back to Michigan for one final trip to visit my side of the family :) 

{32 Weeks!}

have i really not done one of these in 6 weeks?? wow. my bad. 

How far along? 32 weeks!
How big is baby? on average, 3.75 pounds and measuring 16.7 inches {tho baby Liam has been measuring a little bigger!}
Weight gain: 19 pounds!
Maternity clothes? a few pants, size small/xsmall/petite and tops size sm/xsm. most of my "wardrobe" consists of pre-pregnancy clothes that were styled loose to begin with, and it still fits just fine. 
Stretch marks? notta.
Sleep: usually pretty good, but last night I wanted to scream. The second I lay down I get heartburn, so there was that, a stuffy nose, and a seriously over-active child.
Best moment this week: Mom's Night Out last night! I met another mom who is new to the area as well, and we chatted over coffee for hours, sans kids, and it was amazing. I love Aldon, and it's been fun to stay at home with him, but those few hours with another female were so needed!
Miss Anything? seeing the floor when I walk. 
Movement: He's still as active as ever!
Food cravings: potatoes! plain, baked potatoes being my favorite- as in, I may or may not have eaten like four one night with dinner. Seriously.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm back to where I can't stomach the idea of red meat. uck.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs:
a lot of Braxton Hicks, and I can tell that he's been staying lower in my belly which adds a lot of pressure.
Symptoms: heartburn, mostly. 
Belly Button in or out? not "out", but not "in" either. Kind of just flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: haha, you might want to ask my hubs this one ;) For the most part happy, but I can get emotional at the drop of a hat, which is completely unlike me. 
Looking forward to: baby being born! 

it's certainly not the most flattering picture, but it's a little hard to fit the whole thing in the camera frame these days ;)

Monday, August 06, 2012

time flies!

I know, I know. I suck at updating this. forgive me.

So, since I haven't written a new post in, about, a decade- here's what our crazy bunch has been up to!

  • I'm still pregnant! Weeks 27, 28, & 29 went by in a blur. I've gained around 16 pounds total, which is a little on the small side. However, I'm still measuring 1-1.5 cm larger than average so my doctor suspects we'll be having one big baby! And all I want to eat is baked potatoes, plain, and lots of them.
  • Keegan & I toured the hospital birthing center! The hospital has a Level III NICU & birthing center (as in, the highest rated), which provides so much peace of mind that in case anything should ever go wrong, they got this. 
  • Liam's room is about 99.7% completely set up & ready for him! The last of the storage stuff has been put away or toted back to storage for later, and just about everything is in it's place. The only thing left to do, really, is convince Keegan that his mounts (3 of them) can have their own place in storage and don't need to go up anywhere in this house... (I know, wish me luck there)
  • Aldon is 21 months old! He's so close to 2 it's scary. He must do everything "big boy" style now- sitting at the table to eat, eating with regular silverware, helping with things around the house (favorites: laundry, sweeping, and picking up toys), he must be the one who feeds the dog every day and must help take her for walks... pretty soon he'll have a mortgage and car payments, I swear. His speech is ridiculously clear now, too, compared to just a week or two ago, and usually everything is said in three word sentences. He has a severe affection for dairy products- milk, yogurt and cheese, and prefers veggies over any kind of meat, any day. 
  • With Aldon being more independent every day, I have so much more free time! It's such an unsettling feeling sometimes to not have anything to do... but I can't say I mind ;) I've been sewing/crafting up a storm. In the past few weeks, I've made for him a quillow, toddler snuggie, alphabet bean bags, and have a quiet book and some cloth diapers set aside for later. Of course, Liam has some baby burp rags, blankets, and cloth wipes waiting for him. Also on my to-do list is finish putting together a "Big Brother Kit" for Aldon for when we're in the hospital with baby :) 
  • We had visitors! My in-laws came down to stay with us for about a week. Aldon thoroughly enjoyed having extra attention and another animal to terrorize  love. 
  • Aldon's 2nd birthday party is about 80% planned! We have the date set, the invite list, the menu, theme, decoration ideas, etc. All that's left to do is put it all together :) Last year we went big- about 80 people invited and I honestly have no clue how many actually showed up to the party because it was a busy, hectic (but fun) day. Obviously, this year things are different- Liam will be just a few days old and we're about 8 hours away from family. Even though it won't be as big as his first birthday, I'm determined to still make it awesome for him :)
 There's probably a dozen or so other updates, but that's the basics. As always, life is moving 500 miles an hour and I'm just trying to keep up. Hopefully I'll actually update this thing more than once a decade, though ;)

Oh, and seriously, I need this. In both a 2T & Newborn size, please.