Friday, January 18, 2013

{Month 3}

Sweet, chunky Liam is now t h r e e months old! 

He weighs 15 pounds now, and is about 24" long- a big step up from 7 lb and 19 in at birth! The onesie he's wearing in the pictures? Size 6 month, and as you can see it's skin tight. It was only on for the five minutes it took to snap the picture lol. 

He is still waking up at least twice in the night to nurse, and of course he's still sharing our bed with us. We also still cloth diaper him, our favorites for Liam are bumGenius Elementals (on the smallest rise setting, and hook and loop closure). He started fitting into these when he was about a month old, after he outgrew our bumGenius newborn stash.

He smiles and giggles and coos, chews on his fingers and flings slobber everywhere, and can't stand it when I walk out of his line of vision (can you blame him? ;) ) Basically, he's adorable and perfect, just like big brother. 

Our Month 3 "Must-Haves" include:

-Soothing Motions Glider : he always falls asleep nursing, and this is the only place where I can put him down and he will stay sleeping. Plus, Aldon loves to turn it on for him and it makes him feel like the best big helper ;)

-Activity Gym:He absolutely despises using the tummy time pillow this set comes with, but when he's on his back he can't get enough of staring at himself in the apple mirror! 

-plenty of arm strength (seriously! he may not look it, but he is just one solid chunk of cuteness) since he always wants to be held and carried around, and

-bibs! I never understood why parents would put bibs on their kids to catch drool... Aldon wasn't a "drooler", even while teething, so my thought was always "just wipe it off when it happens; no big deal." Then came Liam... it's gross. He soaks the front of his shirt multiple times a day. To save on outfit changes (and laundry!) I broke down and just put a bib on him when he's especially drooly. icky. 

So there you have it! Liam Allen, big three month old boy, in a nutshell :)    


Thursday, January 03, 2013

Hello, 2013!

I can't believe how fast 2012 flew by! 

I guess moving, having another baby, and keeping up with a two year old (!) and newborn does that.

So what's new? 

Aldon celebrated his second birthday! We had a small get together at home since we brought Liam home from the hospital only days before. It was a jungle/safari theme, and he had a blast being the center of attention (as always ;) )

opening his gift from mommy & daddy- a new play kitchen!
 Liam is now 2 and a half months old! He is still nursing- about every 2.5-3 hours, including through the night. And he is gaining some serious weight! He weighs about 14 lb now, but is only about 20 or so inches in length. 
I've already started planning his half birthday party (Very Hungry Caterpillar-themed), he's already halfway there! 
newborn picture- 2 weeks old

classic liam.

We celebrated the holidays with just the four of us for the first time. Aldon was obsessed with "rearranging" the ornaments on the tree; I'm certain I'll be finding some that were hidden away by him in July. This was his first year actually being "aware" of what's going on, and it was so.awesome. to see his face light up on Christmas morning! 
christmas eve 2012
Of course I took one semester off while I was pregnant with Liam, so I start back again at the end of January. Luckily the scheduling is flexible enough that we won't have to put the boys in daycare (after touring several in the area, nothing was really up to par with what we were used to at our old provider in MI). 
I'm also already over the snow & cold, and eagerly awaiting Spring! 

2013 doesn't have any major planned events like 2010, 2011, and 2012 did- so here's to a {hopefully} relaxing new year!