Monday, June 23, 2014

Current Preschooler Favorites

Now that my boys are progressing into the preschooler stage of life (and what a big deal that is ;) ), I thought I would update with some of our favorite must-have products!

Here's the love/hate relationship I have with "stuff": I love to try it out, but then hate that hardly any of it lives up to my standards. I admit, I'm picky. After living in small apartments up until a year ago when we bought our house, I became extremely selective about what "stuff" was allowed to stick around and take up precious space! 

So, without further ado, these are items that I highly recommend for 2-4(ish) year olds:

This thing has been put through the wringer of tests by both boys! We originally got this for A. when he had just turned two. Now, he's using it on his own without the parent push handle. I love that L. can even use it, his little feet don't reach the pedals yet but he can rest them on the foot rests while the hubs or I push him. We're already planning on ordering a second one for him, so he can have his own :)

A. has always been an early riser- he's up with sun, every day. However, now that it's summer and therefore the sun rises before 6 am, he doesn't understand that just because the sun's up doesn't mean he can get up ;) This alarm clock doubles as a nightlight, and allows you to program the light to turn on at bedtime, glow green when it's time to wake up in the morning, and then shut off. He's still getting the hang of it, but so far it's been so helpful!

This is something that I wish I had bought more of when I originally ordered, they're that awesome! I first bought the 4-pack, but if you have multiple kids I highly recommend at least the 8 count set, or if you can, go for the 12. These are just way too convenient. I use mine to freeze applesauce, yogurt, and homemade smoothies. When A. was still in school I would pack a frozen one in his lunch, and it thaws out just enough by snack time for him to easily eat it on his own (and I don't have to worry about remembering to pack a spoon!). They're all the convenievce of having the store bought versions, like "Go-Gurt", but you control what goes inside and that I love. 

The next Favorite it's really a physical thing, but an App. I know opinions on children and screen time can be touchy, but- I do allow my boys to watch television and feel comfortable doing so, given that I control the content. We don't, and never have had, cable/Netflix/Hulu/etc, so we rely on PBS, YouTube, and as of late- TIVOZ. With TIVOZ you can enter in your child's information and age-specific content is shown. You can customize their accounts by adding their personal favorites, creating their own "channels." They have oodles of clips to choose from, including popular faves like Mickey Mouse, Muppets, and Sesame Street. I admit we don't use this often, but it's been a lifesaver for long car trips or while waiting for appt's and such. Plus, it's free!

So there you have it, a short-but-sweet list of one picky mom's favorites :) What are some things you & your preschoolers can't live without??

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