Sunday, February 27, 2011

road trips, carrots, and bunny suits.

Why is it that weekends are always over way too quickly? Waaah. 

Well, at least this weekend was uber fun for us on this end! We decided to trek up to Manistee, MI for the day on Saturday to visit with my family.  My sister, Lauren, drove from New Hudson to be there as well.  With her were her three munchkins, my brother Kevin and his girlfriend, their brother Justin, Lauren also brought her new beau, plus their sister stopped by for a little bit.  Oh, and we went to Manistee to see our grandparents.  So that brings it to a total, of oh... a crazy bunch. 

It was the first time everybody got to meet Aldon, and he was, of course, a big hit :)  When I was still teeny-tiny pregnant I was living with Lauren and being her nanny.  It was soooo adorable to see her kids interact with "baby sprout" and see him out of my tummy.  Sammy (who's 3) was teaching him the ropes of being a little boy and how to give knuckle bumps :) 

I've always grown up with an insanely active and large family.  Here in Big Rapids it's JUST Keegan, Aldon and I.  I worry a lot about him not knowing his relatives like I do... but I'm sure that's just a typical mom thing.  

Other exciting news from this weekend: my big baby upgraded from rice cereal to jarred baby food!! He tried his first few (and exceedingly messy) spoonfuls of carrots.  It's getting even harder and harder to imagine him being the 5 lb baby he was 4 months ago... Keegan and I were showing him all of his ultrasound pictures and pictures from his birth today and it was so precious- he kept touching the pages and staring intently at all the faces, it's amazing to watch every little thing he does :)

And, I know I'm entirely too soon on this one, but I ordered THE cutest little Easter outfit for him.  I'll just let the picture speak for itself :)
Now that the weekend is over it means back to the drone of school work and blah blah blah.  But at least I get to picture Aldon squeezed into that bunny suit to make it all better! :)

1 comment:

I'd love to hear what's happening with you!