Friday, March 30, 2012

{17 Months!}

Aldon is 17 months (and one day) old!!!

Holy crap time really does fly. It doesn't seem like almost half a year ago that we threw him his very first birthday party. And exactly one year ago we decided we were going to throw him a half birthday party, and started planning that! 

So, here's a run-down of all-things-aldon now that he is 17 months!

Favorite food(s): mashed potatoes, peas, pancakes, cereal bars (yes, I know they are mostly sugar. That's probably why he likes them so much!), peas, bananas

Favorite toy(s): loves his hockey equipment still, and lately has been testing out his skills with his ride on/rocker toys. He likes to stand on the seat of them and tries to stand fully up without holding on (today he succeeded!). Freaks my husband out to no end, but it just makes me jealous and wish I had that kind of balance and coordination. 

Favorite game(s): hockey, hockey, hockey! and I'm not sure if they count as games per se, but he loves Pat-A-Cake and the 5 Little Ducks finger play we do with him.

Typical Daily Schedule: wake up at 7:30, spend a few minutes relaxing and rocking in the rocking chair with mom or dad, eat some breakfast, play play play until morning nap from 10-11 or so, then lunch, more play until a possible nap (though he's been sort of transitioning out of this nap) from anywhere between 1-2 pm- 3-4 pm, then it's time for dinner, bath, and bedtime at 7:30 pm or so. 

Word(s) he can say: a TON. he will talk your ear off. Some new ones this month tho are the lyrics to Pat-A-Cake, occasionally he will call the dog Macy instead of doggie, hockey, goal (btw, a goal is wherever he shoots the puck, whenever he feels like it lol), and 'chicky' (aka chicken, preferably in nugget form, though he is open to other options). His speech is getting a lot more clear and he's starting to put two word sentences together! Such as asking for 'more chicky' when he wants more chicken at dinner time, and saying hi/buh-bye and including the name of who he's talking to (hi momma!, etc). 

Approximate weight: ~20-21 pounds or so. It's been a while since he's had a check up so I don't know for sure. 

Approximate height: ~31 inches!

Size(s) of clothing: Shirts- 12 mo, maybe some 18 mo. Pants- these we have in two sizes, 12 mo pants fit him perfectly for daycare days where he is in disposable diapers, but 18 mo for home so they can fit the extra fluff in the rear from his cloth dipes lol :) Shoes- size 5 

Other noteworthy things: I know I've said this at about every stage, but I think this is my favorite age! He has so much going on now- he loves to dance, especially with us in the kitchen while we're making dinner, playing games with him is so much fun, he has such a sense of humor and is always laughing/finding ways to make us laugh, he is such a flirt! he winks at just about everyone (note- his wink is just squinting both eyes, and seriously the cutest thing ever), and blow kisses, he's trying to hard to dress/undress himself, and is always finding 'new' ways to use things (like pajama pants as hats!!). And- big news! He SAT ON THE POTTY for the first time the other day! yay!! 

To sum it up, I am truly blessed with the most perfect, laughable, lovable, genius little boy. Happy 17 months, Aldon Matthew! 

the 17-month-birthday boy eating his dinner last night- mashed potatoes, corn, and chicken. apparently it doubles as awesome hair product, too!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


true to form, life is moving faster than the speed of light for us! keegan graduates AND we move to ohio in SIX WEEKS. my to-do list is infinite, it seems. so here's a {super, speedy quick} re-cap of what we have been up to lately!

Over spring break, Keeg and I went house-hunting near Cleveland. It was the first time we left Doodle Baby for more than a couple of hours! He stayed with my in-laws, and as you can see it was a pretty rough time ;) We managed to find a cute little apartment for our little family in Westlake, OH!
Michigan weather is always, always unpredictable. But this 80+ degree weather in March, I love! Here's Aldon on St. Patrick's Day at the zoo, saying hi to the farm animals :)

{That cupboard knob must be extremely intriguing?} Again, gorgeous, gorgeous weather means it's time to bust out the shorts and flippy flops!
This was just today, during mid morning snack. He was so proud of himself for slurping his yogurt out of the bowl and into his mouth, no spoon required. I didn't have the heart to tell him he missed a little yogurt ;)

 That's basically how we have been, in a nut shell! This coming weekend is our last 'free' weekend in which we don't have fifty million things planned. After that it's Easter, two sessions of family pictures, another trip to Ohio to finalize things for our move, then Keegan's graduation followed by The Big Move! I'm foreseeing lots of procrastination and dread in my near future ;) Hope you're enjoying this sudden change in weather as much as we are!