Thursday, September 27, 2012

{37 weeks!} + life lately

How far along? 37 weeks, full term!
How big is baby? on average, just over 6 pounds and 19 inches
Weight gain: 30 pounds
Maternity clothes? I live for elastic.
Stretch marks? Notta. whew.
Sleep: I now wake up every night from like 3 am to 5, unable to sleep. And then of course get about half an hour nap in before the alarm goes off and it's time to start the day! Preparation for a newborn?
Best moment this week: this week has been ucky. But it is pretty awesome to finally be full term, and know that baby could come at any time!
Miss anything? being able to reach across the counter, being able to bend down, getting off the couch without help, etc.
Movement: has slowed down quite a bit, poor guy has no room!
Food cravings: potatoes! of course. and oranges, carrots, celery... basically, any raw fruit or veg.
Anything making you queasy or sick? It's still difficult to eat meat.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: BH, moments of intense pressure, and the fact that baby has zero room in his waterbed anymore.
Symptoms: heartburn, mostly. and though it isn't quite a "symptom", I have completely lost all motivation to do, well, anything. And the latest development has been killer migraines every day, all day. just three more weeks...
Bellybutton in or out? It's officially out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time? I can admit it, moody. And emotional.
Looking forward to...? baby being here!

Life has been crazy busy for the Ohio Hartman's lately! I feel like I just sat down for the first time in weeks... whew. 

The past two weekends we had visitors (yay!)- my in laws first, and then my own parents just this past weekend. Aldon of course loved being the center of attention among his grandparents ;) Lots of fun was had both weekends at a nearby apple orchard picking apples & a few pumpkins! 

35 weeks in this picture! And at least there was one pumpkin there that my belly wasn't bigger than...
This past week, though, I've been hit with serious migraines every day. Basically, it sucks. With Aldon I had high blood pressure towards the end of my pregnancy, so naturally I was prepared to hear that it was spiking again at my appt today- it's not! I guess they're just par for the course at this point. 
However, baby Hartman has been much less active these past few days compared to his normal hyper self. So, I got to spend an hour hooked up to the monitors at the doctor's office having an NST to make sure everything is going ok with him. While he didn't meet the "10 kicks per hour" rule of thumb quota, he did move around 6 or 7 times in the hour I was there. We're on orders to count those kicks for the next few weeks to establish a norm for him so I {and the docs} can know better if he starts to really mellow out. {btw, the kid has a crazy rapid heart rate, jumping from mid150's to almost 170 bpm at times!}
Also, while on the monitors, I had several contractions/"tightenings" that my doctor pointed out to me {yes, I did notice them, they just didn't seem significant}, along with the speculation that maybe baby will come early... hmm? 
 At this point, I'm really, really, really ready for Liam to be here. I usually don't believe in worrying too much over things, but all I can think about is the problems I had while pregnant with Aldon & afterwards, and then the findings on baby's ultrasound {echogenic cardiac focus}, and now he's not moving around as much... plus throw in life with an almost 2 year old who tries to be more and more independent day by day, and those migraines kind of explain themselves.
For now, we're just taking it day by day, and counting down the few short weeks {or less?!} until he will be here! :)
The Hartman's :) {and yes, it is impossible to get the hubs to smile for any photo}

Thursday, September 06, 2012

{34 weeks!}

How far along? 34 weeks!
How big is baby? on average, 4.75 pounds and about 18 inches long!
Weight gain: 21ish pounds.
Maternity clothes? I live for elastic.
Stretch marks? Notta. whew.
Sleep: actually hasn't been that hard to achieve {knock on wood}. I still get heartburn like crazy, but you get used to that. 
Best moment this week: all of our moments spent in MI visiting family over the weekend!
Miss anything? I miss not bumping into everything. Not that I was the definition of grace before getting pregnant, but it's absurd now.
Movement: all of his movements are so painful now. He's running out of room! I'm constantly getting kicked, jabbed, and shoved in places that nobody wants to be kicked, jabbed, and shoved...
Food cravings: potatoes! and this week, cereal. I ate four bowls in one day, mmm.
Anything making you queasy or sick? It's still difficult to eat meat.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: BH, moments of intense pressure, and the fact that baby has zero room in his waterbed anymore.
Symptoms: heartburn, mostly. and though it isn't quite a "symptom", I have completely lost all motivation to do, well, anything.
Bellybutton in or out? It's so close to being out! 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, just emotional. I cried watching a c section reenactment on the show The Doctors today. Seriously. 
Looking forward to...? Being full term in just three short weeks!

Baby Liam is so close to being here! yay! The timing was perfect for us to take one last trip over Labor Day weekend to MI to visit some family that we didn't get to see before we left, before I'm too far along to travel & baby comes. Aldon was such a trooper for the 6-7 hour car trips to Manistee {it helps that since he was three weeks old we have been traveling three hours once every other month or so to visit family, he's a seasoned veteran}. I now start seeing the doctor every two weeks, and I'm still toying with the ideas of VBAC vs planned C section.... so we'll see on that. For now, here's some pictures of my cutie at the beach in MI :)

and of course, my lovely shadow at almost 34 weeks pregnant ;)