Monday, June 23, 2014

Current Preschooler Favorites

Now that my boys are progressing into the preschooler stage of life (and what a big deal that is ;) ), I thought I would update with some of our favorite must-have products!

Here's the love/hate relationship I have with "stuff": I love to try it out, but then hate that hardly any of it lives up to my standards. I admit, I'm picky. After living in small apartments up until a year ago when we bought our house, I became extremely selective about what "stuff" was allowed to stick around and take up precious space! 

So, without further ado, these are items that I highly recommend for 2-4(ish) year olds:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

DIY Cloud Dough

As promised from yesterday eons ago, here is the recipe for homemade "cloud dough":
  • 1 part shaving cream
  • 1 part corn starch
  • food coloring (optional- after making this several times I actually prefer to leave it uncolored)
That's it!!