Monday, May 02, 2011


So this weekend has been anything but relaxing, as weekends usually are for us.  Exams are this week, and its also our last week in this apartment. So I can be found with a microbiology review sheet in one hand while the other is loading various junk that I seem to collect into box after box... This is the eighth time I have moved since leaving for college after high school graduation.  I SO cannot wait to just have a house of our own...

But, moving on from that boring talk, let's talk about Aldon, cause that's all I do anyhow :) As you know, his birthday party was a huge success! And today his bottom two teeth finally popped through!! Ok, ok... so they're poking through by like, a millimeter. But it still counts, baby boy has his first toofers :) It's insane how something that seems so mundane takes over your life and becomes so significant... I literally got tears in my eyes feeling the ridges of his first teeth through his gums. And then of course that sentimental moment was brought back to reality by the pain of being bit by said teeth whilst feeding him. And the sounds of a miserable baby crying because said teeth are a real pain in the gums. 

He's getting teeth, on the verge of crawling, and already bosses his father and I around like an egotistical drill sergeant... ahh the good ole days. Seriously, raising Aldon is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  But, it isn't always all that grand.  So here's my insight to the top best and worst Mommy Moments:

- feeling him move for the first time.

- when he has no more room to move and you spend the last two months of your pregnancy feeling like a bowling ball is between your legs and your ribs are about to crack any minute.

- that first smile.

- smiling and laughing at each other, when, unexpectedly, baby throw up flies into your open, no-longer-smiling mouth.

- admiring how absolutely adorable your baby is in that new designer outfit you just bought for him. Clearly you made the world's best looking kid!

- ten minutes later when baby's diaper has exploded all over that new outfit and you're dumbfounded as to how to get it off without covering baby from shoulders to toes and down the arms with diaper contents. And if there could be a stain remover strong enough to tackle that laundry job...

-Watching and cheering as he hits every milestone in his life, no matter how big or small.

- Knowing that with every milestone reached, he's one step further away from the tiny baby you once had and one step closer to an adult who runs his own life. It comes faster than you think...

- becoming a mommy and feeling that surge of love that comes with. nothing can truly compare.

- Knowing that no matter how much you love your baby you cannot protect him from life's bumps and bruises, no matter how hard you may try.


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