Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Bucket List

This summer will be my first go-'round with being a legit 'stay at home mom.' Last year, I took classes for part of the summer, and then had a few weeks off at the end where it was just Aldon and I. I'm starting to get worried about what I will do to fill our days, every day... I'm so used to having a to-do list, places to be, etc. 

So, to combat any possible boredom that may incur, Keegan and I sat down to write a "Summer Bucket List" of all things Aldon might want to do/accomplish before this summer kicks the bucket. I'm sure we will be adding to it in time, but here's what we have for now:

Things To Do Before Summer Kicks the Bucket:

-go strawberry picking

-make homemade freezer jam

-visit a museum

-catch a fish

-build a sandcastle

-take home a seashell

-bury my parents in the sand/have them bury me

-learn how to blow a bubble

-make a friend

-slide down a water slide

-run through a sprinkler

-have a picnic

-go camping

-make a (real) s'more

-run barefoot through the grass

-look at the stars & constellations at night

-wear floaties

-surprise daddy on father's day

-learn to count to 3 (possibly 5)

-learn my basic colors

-pick a flower

-write a letter/draw a picture to send to my grandparents and friends back in Michigan

Stay tuned to see how we tackle this list! :) 

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